What is known about Tegro Bot 2.0


We continue to introduce you to the functionality of our upcoming universal bot.

First of all, we want to note that there will be support for a new network: Binance Smart Chain, which will significantly increase the demand among users. A similar functionality has already been received by the bot of our partners — LibermallBot.

There will be an internal discount system tied to partner NFT collections, as well as crypto exchange LP tokens, which paves the way for the development of Tegro Prime.

TegroPrime — this is a single monthly subscription to Tegro services at the best price.

We will continue to update the ecosystem products in a timely manner, so stay tuned and turn on notifications.



Tegro — DeFi & Web3

TGR is a Tegro jetton (token) built on the The Open Network and intended for stimulating liquidity providers, governing the protocol and accumulating rewards.